Appointment Checklist

  1. Gather documents to bring to your doctor's visit:
  2. Review any special directions from your doctor about diet or medication restrictions prior to your appointment.
  3. Ask friends or relatives to accompany you if you wish.Depending on the type of appointment you have, you may need someone to take you home.
  4. To make the most of your appointment, be sure to ask your doctor any questions or express any concerns you have.

After Your Appointment

  1. If you need to see another doctor, we will make every effort to schedule additional tests and consultations at the earliest available time.
  2. If you need to be hospitalized, we will coordinate admittance arrangements and provide the hospital with information prior to your arrival.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor

  1. What is the disease or condition?
  2. How serious is my disease or condition and how will it affect my life?
  3. What is the short-term and long-term prognosis for my disease or condition?
  4. What caused the disease or condition?
  5. Is there more than one disease or condition that could be causing my symptoms?
  6. What symptoms should I watch for?
  7. Can I be tested for a disease or condition, and what will these tests tell me?
  8. What tests will be involved in diagnosing my disease or condition?
  9. How safe and accurate are the tests?
  10. When will I know the test's results?
  11. Will I need more medical tests?
  12. Will I need a follow-up visit and when?
  13. How is the disease or condition treated?